What is Findpare.com?

Findpare is your comparison shopping headquarters.

What we do

Findpare is the ultimate comparison shopping platform. We provide unbiased information on thousands of products from major global online shopping sites like Amazon, Alibaba, AliExpress, eBay and also smaller, localized online retail sites. Our aim is to make the shopping experience as smooth as possible for people regardless of whether they live in Asia, Europe, North America or anywhere else.

Everyday our team searches for and verifies thousands of listings for smartphones, tablets, TV boxes, drones, portable projectors and other great products. We ensure the listings are from legitimate sellers with the highest customer satisfaction ratings. In addition to that, we also provide detailed product specifications, unbiased reviews and ratings of all the products we list.

Price Comparison

Rather than being a direct seller, Findpare is a curator of the best products available online. Our goal is to save online shoppers time by making comparison shopping as easy as possible. We manually search for the products we list, but once we put them into our database, the Findpare algorithms take over to specify the current price, availability, delivery time and merchant rating.

This provides Findpare users with an up-to-date catalog that contains all relevant information on a product and allows users to compare and choose the best option for where they live.

Product Specifications

The products on Findpare have been manually selected by our team of online shopping enthusiasts from sites like Amazon, Alibaba, AliExpress, eBay and other, lesser known shopping sites around the world.

Once we’ve identified a product we want to curate, we go directly to the manufacturer’s website to get the exact product specifications, which aren’t always correct or included in the product listings we encounter. With Findpare, you always know exactly what you’re getting.

Price Comparison & Merchant Identification

We help safeguard our users against scams and fake sellers by only curating products from sellers with the highest customer satisfaction ratings.

Our price comparisons are completely independent and users are able to filter their searches based on price, delivery time or shipping costs.

Delivery Time Estimations

An extremely important function of Findpare is the estimation of delivery time between countries. Each online retailer uses a variety of delivery systems and through comprehensive data collection, we are able to accurately predict delivery times between different countries. This gives our users a more precise forecast of expected delivery times.

Reviews and Opinions

Findpare gives unbiased reviews about the products we curate. In addition to that, we also gather reviews and opinions on our website and on YouTube from users who have purchased these products. This makes the comparison shopping experience much richer.

Shipment Tracking

Findpare has a shipment tracking system that contains the most accurate data about the speed of over 150 different carriers and their delivery capabilities between countries. We then translate this information into a readable format for the user, which tells them the status and the predicted delivery speed of their shipment.

Buyer Protection

Findpare protects our users by identifying scam sellers and alerting our users of these erroneous merchants so they don’t get interact with these scam artists.

Smart Rating

To assist our users in their comparison shopping, we provide them with a Findpare “smart rating”, which uses a product’s basic parameters to give users an indication of its general abilities.

For example, tech products would use parameters such as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the Read-Only Memory (ROM), the Random Access Memory (RAM) the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and others to give an indication of the processing power of the machine.

We supply these ratings as a courtesy to our users, but we encourage users to take all aspects of a product into account when comparison shopping on Findpare.